Diet Plan For PCOD

What is PCOD?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOD) is the most common endocrine disorder in females.

Out of every 5 women in India, 1 has PCOD.

The cause of PCOD is unknown, but doctors believe that an increased level of androgen hormone and insulin might induce the disease.

PCOD affects women of all ages, from adolescence to post-menopausal.

Like any lifestyle diseases, PCOD is easier to manage if it is diagnosed early.

Our Approach

(i) Medical Report Analysis to develop a better understanding of your body and to determine if you are suffering from any disease or deficiency

  • Identify factors causing the disease
  • Identify the trigger foods for an individual

(ii) Counseling sessions to understand your physical and mental state and motivating you towards your goal

(iii) Dietary Assessment and Dietary Education

  • Hands on sessions to family members and caregivers
  • Monitor and Review food logs, reports
  • Offer advice regarding food intake .

(iv) Personalization of Diet Plan according to complete body analysis, body type, habits, lifestyle, medical reports, and disease

  • Understand your kitchen to make it easy to prepare your meals and have them at your comfort zone
  • Nutritious recipes to meet the nutritional needs of the body
  • Introduce new super diets to flush out toxins from your body
  • Provide you with diet plans that aid you in losing inches, if required

(v) Suggesting appropriate exercises and lifestyle changes to rejuvenate your mind and body

(vi) Follow ups to ensure that the diet is workable

Time Duration to be on the plan 

For you to observe desirable and persisting results,  we would suggest you to be on the plan for 3 months atleast.* You shall be counselled based on your assessment regarding this