Diet Plan For Weight Gain

Weight Gain Plan
Recommended For BMI < 19
While obesity is becoming a major problem these days, being underweight can also lead to major health problems.
However, there are still many misunderstandings about the ways to gain weight safely.
Some weight gain methods result in severe short as well as long term effects on health.
Putting on healthy weight is necessary for an underweight individual and may also be a goal for someone who is willing to build muscle.
In general, consuming more calories than the body burns may result in weight gain.
However, the calorie intake necessary to achieve the target weight gain may vary from person to person.
Steps Included in Weight Gain
Step 1 : Body Analysis
We start off by conducting a body analysis in which we measure or assess various health parameters of your body.
Measuring these parameters helps us in developing a good understanding of your specific health situation.
This analysis chiefly enables us to chart the weight management course for you to achieve your desired outcomes as per the diet plan opted by you.
These measures include :
- Height
- Weight
- Muscles
- Visceral Fat
- Resting Metabolism
- Sub-Coetaneous Fat
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
STEP 2 : Counseling Session
Counselling forms an integral part of our weight management process.
Regular counselling sessions help us to maintain an ongoing understanding of both your physical and mental states as you progress on the achievement of your weight management goals with us.
By being able to gauge your overall wellbeing at various milestones of the program we keep updating our understanding of how best to keep you motivated for successfully finishing your weight management journey with us.
**The service of the sessions to maintain the motivational levels consequent to the counselling sessions is offered to you when you opt for a Diet plan with us of 6 month’s duration or more.
STEP 3 : Medical Report Analysis
To fulfill this step, our clients are asked to undergo a medical test.
This helps us to develop a better understanding of your body than the first step of Body Analysis.
Often, we come across conditions indicating an underlying disease or deficiency which our clients are not aware of.
This greatly helps us in providing you a diet plan that is far more appropriate for your overall bodily needs.
STEP 4 : Creating a Diet Plan
To create a diet plan that best helps us to meet our clients’ weight management goals while at the same time respecting their key lifestyle aspects, we very logically collaborate with them to fully understand their current lifestyle and their daily kitchen.
A good knowledge of both these key aspects allows us to create a diet plan that they find easy-to-adopt and practical enough to sustain over the program duration and beyond.
STEP 5 : Follow Up to Track Your Progress
Based on the above-mentioned steps, we encourage our clients to participate with us for weekly follow up sessions.
These weekly follow up sessions prove very crucial for us to understand any current issues that our clients face during their ongoing wellness journey with us.