About Wellnation360
With the onslaught of burgeoning online and offline sources of health advice and fad diets it is commonplace to feel lost and perhaps even defeated in today’s complex world when it comes to determining a reasonable way of maintaining one’s health.
At Wellnation360 we realize that our wellbeing has a major dependency on some key factors, such as our food intake, our genetic makeup and the several lifestyle factors that we experience either by choice or that are imposed upon us by our environment.
As such we partner with our clients to help them undertake their optimal health journey by focusing on their needs holistically. We achieve this via helping them to implement the health triad of balanced nutrition, adequate exercise and soulfulness via regular meditation.
With an over a decade and a half of experience of working with clients from all over India that have had a very diverse spectrum of wellness needs we know what it takes to formulate optimal health plans which are quite feasible to practically adopt and sustain.

About Nutrition
Subconsciously we all understand that balanced nutrition is a foundational block for living a healthy and fulfilling life. However, we also need to be aware that nutritional needs vary from one individual to another based on their body type and their lifestyle. And within the same individual based upon their evolving age and/or lifestyle.
Since we are an organization that focuses on an individual’s total wellbeing, we typically take into account both the aspects of optimal nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. To this end we have also deeply incorporated the ancient Indian Ayurveda practices in order to ensure that our recommendations for your wellbeing are both quite simple to adopt and lead to a sustainable way of living.

You are What You Eat , Absorb and Burn
A few millennia ago, we human beings had arrived on planet Earth with bodies that were typically designed to move, hunt and eat. However, due to the humongous evolution in our lifestyle since then we now find ourselves in a situation where we have both easily available food and a much greater requirement of leveraging our brain power instead of utilizing our muscle power.
At Wellnation360 we deeply understand the huge impact that an evolving lifestyle has been historically having on the health situations of populations across various geographies.
This allows us to devise for our clients wellness plans that are easier to adopt and sustain, and which focus holistically on both their very specific health challenges and the current macro lifestyle trends that they are exposed to.
Our ultimate goal is to partner with you for helping you achieve a fulfilling life without placing very severe restrictions on your food choices.

Diseases Primarily Originate in the Gut
It was more than 2000 years ago that Hippocrates supposedly declared that ‘all disease begins in the gut’.
The Ayurveda system of medicine places its primary emphasis on the microflora (‘gut microbiome’) that reside in the Mahasrotasa (gastrointestinal tract), which according to it are sources of Agni or metabolic fire.
Thus, the Ayurveda system maintains that the human digestive system has in its foundation a metabolic fire called Agni.
If this Agni weakens, the digestion process cannot be expected to be optimum and thus could result in a variety of digestive health issues.
There are several factors which typically contribute towards the weakening of our metabolic fire, such as,
- Lack of activity
- Stress and anxiety
- Unhealthy eating habits
- Toxins in the food, air, and/ or water
The ‘gut microbiome’ which is deemed to be the source of our metabolic fire is a collection of microorganisms living in our digestive tract.
An imbalance in this microbiome has been found to play a key role in the origin of a wide variety of health issues, which even include mental health disorders.
Apart from the lifestyle and environmental factors listed above, the usage of certain medications can also bring about an imbalance in the composition of this ‘gut microbiome’.
We at Wellnation360 very clearly realize that restoring the balance in the ‘gut microbiome’ is essential in most cases to regaining a healthy mental and physical disposition.