Diet Plan For Management Of Thyroid Disorders

What is Thyroid Disorder Management?

Thyroid disorder is a condition that affects the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland wrapped around the windpipe in the neck.

Thyroid plays an important role in regulating numerous metabolic processes throughout the body.

Since the thyroid gland is controlled by pituitary gland and hypothalamus, disorder of these tissues may affect thyroid function and cause thyroid problems.

The functioning of the thyroid gland is also hugely impacted by the lifestyle and diet and that’s where modification and correction in these can have an effect on the gland’s function.

Types of Thyroid Disorder

Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism results when the thyroid gland produces insufficient amount of thyroid hormone.

Hypothyroidism may develop from problems within the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, or hypothalamus.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism: Fatigue, Dry Skin, Depression, Feeling Cold, Constipation, Fluid Retention, Poor Concentration, Muscle and Joint Ache, Excessive Menstrual Bleeding in Women

Hyperthyroidism: Hyperthyroidism results due to excessive production of thyroid hormone.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are usually related to increased metabolism.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism: Fatigue, Tremor, Nervousness, Fast Heart Rate, Increased Sweating, Heat Intolerance, Concentration Problems, Unintentional Weight Loss, Increase in Bowel Movements

Our Approach

(i) Medical Report Analysis to develop a better understanding of your body and to determine if you are suffering from any disease or deficiency

  • Identify factors causing the disease
  • Identify the trigger foods for an individual

(ii) Counseling sessions to understand your physical and mental state and motivating you towards your goal

(iii) Dietary Assessment and Dietary Education

  • Hands on sessions to family members and caregivers
  • Monitor and Review food logs, glucometer readings, sugar app/reports
  • Offer advice regarding food intake, blood sugar, insulin schedule, dosage and exercise

(iv) Personalization of Diet Plan according to complete body analysis, body type, habits, lifestyle, medical reports, and disease

  • Understand your kitchen to make it easy to prepare your meals and have them at your comfort zone
  • Nutritious recipes to meet the nutritional needs of the body
  • Introduce new super diets to flush out toxins from your body
  • Provide you with diet plans that aid you in losing inches

(v) Suggesting appropriate exercises and lifestyle changes to rejuvenate your mind and body

(vi) Follow ups to ensure that the diet is workable