1 Month Weight Management Diet Plan

Recommended for BMI = 25 and Age below 40 years

To administer this plan, we start off by gaining detailed insights on the end goals that our clients seek to achieve via it.

These insights of their desired goals form the basis for us to devise an optimal diet plan for our clients.

As per our plan recommendations we always provide our clients with a well-balanced nutritional intake to ensure that they achieve the progress on the wellness parameters that they seek from us.

Once you achieve your overall weight management results via our 1-month diet plan we highly recommend that you subsequently also opt for the 10-month diet plan.

Based on our vast experience with the weight management health domain we recommend the 10-month plan also so that you may be able to feasibly sustain your weight management goals without at the same time experiencing significant muscle loss.

NOTE* We very diligently take into account the complete medical history of our clients that enables us to formulate a highly customized and appropriate weight management plan for each one of them.

The detailed evaluation of our clients’ medical backgrounds ensures that we are able to analyze extremely well the medical implications of either a transformational weight loss or weight gain regimen upon their complete health aspects.

Steps included in 1 Month Diet Plan

Step 1 : Body Analysis

We start off by conducting a body analysis in which we measure or assess various health parameters of your body.

Measuring these parameters helps us in developing a good understanding of your specific health situation.

This analysis chiefly enables us to chart the weight management course for you to achieve your desired outcomes as per the diet plan opted by you.

These measures include:

  • Height
  • Weight
  • Muscles
  • Visceral Fat
  • Resting Metabolism
  • Sub-Coetaneous Fat
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)

STEP 2 : Counseling Session

Counselling forms an integral part of our weight management process.

Regular counselling sessions help us to maintain an ongoing understanding of both your physical and mental states as you progress on the achievement of your weight management goals with us.

By being able to gauge your overall wellbeing at various milestones of the program we keep updating our understanding of how best to keep you motivated for successfully finishing your weight management journey with us.

**The service of the sessions to maintain the motivational levels consequent to the counselling sessions is offered to you when you opt for a Diet plan with us of 6 month’s duration or more.

STEP 3 : Creating a Diet Plan

To create a diet plan that best helps us to meet our clients’ weight management goals while at the same time respecting their key lifestyle aspects, we very logically collaborate with them to fully understand their current lifestyle and their daily kitchen.

A good knowledge of both these key aspects allows us to create a diet plan that they find easy-to-adopt and practical enough to sustain over the program duration and beyond.